On February 23, 2024 all Occupational Health data management was moved from ReadySet to Workday. As part of this transition, the most recent relevant/required vaccine data was migrated into Workday. All employees can view their records by following the instructions here.
All employees can follow instructions found here to access their vaccination records in Workday. If you have additional questions or believe that some of your records are missing you can contact Occupational Health.
Please see this information for some tips on locating records. https://immunize.org/va/va35_locate_records.pdf
Missouri’s ShowMeVax records can complete a Request for Official State of Missouri Immunization Records and submit it to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Immunizations via fax at 573-526-0238 or email immunizationrecordrequests@health.mo.gov.
For questions, call 800-219-3224 or 573-751-6124.
Providers that are required to wear N-95 respiratory protection need to have an initial medical evaluation and approval prior to wearing an N-95. The employee will need to request a medical evaluation through Workday, by following the instructions found here.