WashU faculty or staff members who develop symptoms associated with COVID-19 or test positive for COVID-19:

  1. Do not report to work. Leave your workplace if your symptoms develop at work. Do not present to the Occupational Health office.
  2. Begin isolating immediately.
  3. Notify your supervisor.
  4. Call the Occupational Health call center at 314-362-5050 for screening and further guidance.

If you have been exposed to COVID-19 or have any symptoms, you may need to be tested or to quarantine/isolate, or both.

  • An exposure is defined as being within six feet of a known positive person for 15 minutes or more without proper personal protective equipment.

All employees working on the Medical Campus, Habif Health & Wellness, Center for Counseling & Psychological Services, or other WashU medical facilities.

If you have symptoms (with or without exposure)

Steps for work/school: Employees are required to call the Occupational Health Call Center at 314-362-5050  for testing. WUSM and DBBS students should email WUSM Student Health.

Steps for home: Guidance will be provided when you call the Call Center at 314-362-5050 to report your symptoms and/or test results.

  • If COVID positive, do not come to work/school for five days. (Non-health-care workers may work from home if able.) Stay in your home and isolate for at least five days and wear a mask any time outside your home for the following five days. You must be cleared by Occupational Health (OHcallcenter@wustl.edu) or Student Health before returning to work/school. You must be fever free without medication for 24 hours, and your symptoms must be improving.
  • If COVID negative, you may return to work when you’ve had no fever for at least 24 hours and symptoms are improving; if recent COVID exposure, wear a mask for 10 days from last exposure to protect others.
If you are exposed and have no symptoms …

You may continue to work. Closely monitor self for symptoms, and leave work if symptoms develop. Call the Occupational Health Call Center at 314-362-5050 for testing. Please have your employee ID number available. WUSM and DBBS students should email WUSM Student Health.

Wear a mask both at work/school and in the community for 10 days from last exposure to protect others.

For all other employees

If you do not work on the medical campus, in a clinic or hospital, or you can work remotely

If you have symptoms (with or without exposure)

Steps for work/school: 

  • Employees are not required to call the Occupational Health Call Center for screening, but my contact them for guidance or to request a PCR Covid test . Please have your employee ID number available. The call center is testing anyone with symptoms — including non-clinical faculty, staff and students.
  • Employees who test positive for Covid must remain home until they are fever free for 24 hours and all COVID related symptoms are resolving.
  • Employees are strongly encouraged to wear a mask while at work for 5 days after their return.
If you are exposed and have no symptoms …

Steps for work: 

  • Employees may continue working either remotely or on campus and are welcome to call the Occupational Health Call Center at 314-362-5050 for guidance. Please have your employee ID number available. WUSM students must email WUSM Student Health.
  • Employees are encouraged to wear a mask when around others for 10 days after an exposure.