Occupational Health offers COVID-19 testing for symptomatic employees, residents and fellows.
During influenza season, symptomatic individuals will also be tested for influenza.
Employees required to receive COVID-19 testing prior to being onsite for work-related duties will not be financially responsible when those tests are ordered by the Occupational Health Call Center and received at the WashU Occupational Health Clinic or at a partner BJC collection site. If you receive a bill from a BJC collection site or BJH Labs, forward that statement to occupationalhealth@wustl.edu and that charge will be reprocessed.
Need to take or report a test?
The following applies to individuals working or learning on campus or remotely.
- If you are are symptomatic but have not yet taken a test, please call the Occupational Health Call Center at 314-362-5050 to arrange testing.
- If you test positive from testing sources outside of Occupational Health, including a home rapid antigen test, you must report your results by calling the Occupational Health Call Center at 314-362-5050. If you received a positive result from a PCR test given by an external source (such as a pharmacy), you can email documentation of your results to OHcallcenter@wustl.edu. WUSM and DBBS students must email WUSM student health, all other students should contact Habif Health & Wellness.
- Anyone with a positive test will be asked to provide a list of close contacts.
To be considered a close contact they must meet the criteria for exposure which includes both proximity and duration. Exposure is defined as contact of closer than six feet for more than 15 minutes in total when on person is not wearing a mask or the appropriate PPE.
Community testing sources
- Your primary care physician
- Local urgent care facilities
- St. Louis city
- St. Louis County
- Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services
- lllinois testing sites (Open to Missouri and Illinois residents. Choose the Edwardsville box for Metro East locations.)
- Walgreens
- CVS Pharmacy