WashU employees are no longer required to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. We do continue to strongly encourage all employees to receive the most current annual COVID-19 vaccine and these continue to be available free of charge at the Occupational Health Clinic (as supply allows).
In accordance with changes to CDC guidance released in March 2024, Danforth employees are no longer required to contact Occupational Health to report COVID-related symptoms or positive COVID tests. If a Danforth employee has a positive test for COVID-19 or any other respiratory virus (e.g. influenza, RSV) they should not return to work until they have been fever free for at least 24 hours (without use of fever reducing medication) and all other symptoms are resolving. Upon return to work masking for 5 days when around other individuals is strongly advised.
Danforth employees are still welcome to contact the Occupational Health Call Center (314-362-5050) with any COVID related questions or to request a free PCR COVID test (pending symptom screening and only available for symptomatic individuals).
Employees assigned to Student Health-Danforth, Center for Counseling & Psychological Services, or those whose work requires them to visit the medical campus or other WashU medical facilities should continue to follow WUSM Employee Covid Procedures.
Danforth students please refer to information provided by Habif Health and Wellness.